This Could DESTROY Your Team

In 1986, 7 People were killed in the Challenger Space Shuttle disaster...

What caused the disaster?


Groupthink made people ignore the warning signs...

Groupthink made people silence their disagreements…

Groupthink made people go against their own judgment…

And ultimately — made NASA launch despite dangerous conditions.

Protect Your Team From Groupthink…

Here are 3 signs to watch out for:

1. Self-Censorship of Disagreements

This is exactly what it sounds like.

If people don’t speak up about their disagreements with group decisions.

Or if they condemn and pressure those who DO speak up…

That’s a GIANT red flag and should not be ignored.

2. Illusion of Invulnerability

When everyone around you seems to agree with the group’s decisions — it can make you feel invulnerable to any threats.

And the feeling of invulnerability can make you ignore warning signs.

So if you find yourself getting too comfortable, you might want to re-evaluate things.

3. Unquestioned Group Morality

If people are ignoring their own sense of right and wrong.

And replacing them with the group’s moral principles. Or if they think the group can do NO wrong.


And action should be taken immediately.

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Then check out my 1-on-1 coaching program: LeadershipDNA


Most Teams FAIL for this 1 simple reason


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